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i love the stock market because it’s much like nature

imagine if you could see the energy of life in motion of culture and society of industry and innovation solutions and problems all represented as a graph

this is what has always excited me about the stock market. it’s a complex blend of energy, industry, economy, psychology, sentiment, and emotion. and it’s all just represented through an aggregation of numbers, charts, and lines. the lines sometimes match- and sometimes they don’t. we’re always trying to figure them out, but can’t quite seem to do it. people manipulate the lines, but everything corrects itself in due time. ups and downs- it’s the law of gravity. what goes up comes down.

there’s a little something for everyone in the stock market there’s money to be claimed My favorite casino is the CASINO OF LIFE. Come join me at my favorite Casino in this ever-accelerating capital-driven society.

what is heaven


in heaven you are neither here nor there. you are everywhere at once. this is because when you are in heaven- you are as you feel

i imagine it as a sorta spectral cloud and sporatically distributed points

raw and pure energy- dissolved and particulate in nature

each particle (fragments of a spirit) interacting in a fluid way

continuing our mission towards endless expansion

and you can navigate this etherscape conciously weaving between gaps in quantum fabric

conjuring visuals instantly

you can pull from the akashic records just by thinking

and we’ll be posting together like we do on the internet

seamless communication. cosmology as a medium

and endlessly accelerating towards infinite potential

i’m a computer artist?

computer artist

in elementary school i drew cubes on scrap paper. the first art book that i loved was the work of escher. i was fascinated by optical illusions and perspective at 7 years old i discovered microsoft paint- and drew more cubes. using the line tool- i could get more precise with my geometry. I also enjoyed using the spraypaint tool- which scattered tiny particles across the digital canvas.

art is like a reflection it reflects the time period when it was created when the church was the dominant power- hymns and chants were were articulately crafted to invoke God. but as the dominant powers have shifted- so has art. when the dominant powers are no longer centralized to a single entity, I wonder what the art will look like.

today i’m making art in Blender. the more time i spend in virtual spaces, the more i see the world like an infinitely complex mesh. that’s what renews my appreciation of beauty. it’s the tiny patterns that are all interwoven together like a fine mesh and it all comes together to create an explosively energetic thing

tfw it’s all just compression & interpolation

it's not AI, just humanity interpolated

When I first gained access to Open AI’s DALLE. I was immediately enthralled and fascinated, but moments after using it, a strong feeling of despair washed over me. I’d wondered if it was all my energy was for nothing and teared up. It felt incredible to be on the verge of abundant creative opportunities, but daunting. In a flicker, my creative aspirations went down the drain. I realized that we were no longer on the verge of exponential acceleration, but it was happening. Falling upwards on the slope, like gravity had inversed. As an artist, how do I compete? As an entrepreneur, how do I succeed? How do I avoid obsoletion as a creator?

My immediate instinct was to reject it, but I knew the only path forward was to fully embrace it. And after a few months of incorporating Stable Diffusion and DALLE into my workflow, I realized that it’s not AI, it’s just a glimpse into the future of data compression and intelligently guided interpolation.

So I almost feel stupid for reacting the way I did. Not that I think my feelings were invalid, but I (like many others) looked into it a bit too deeply. In the end, it’s all just compression and interpolation.

“it’s all just compression mate”

I advocate for leaning into “AI”. We’re entering the most introspective period in our collective history. It will be a time to reorganize, and reassemble to best collaborate with “AI”. Similarly, it will enable for more complex systems, and more opportunities for self-organization.

That is a beautiful thing that I’m excited to see unfold.

cat posts to exocore on macbook pro 2009

her name is badu, she is a kitten

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Hello I love tacos test tacoposting

  1. get taco shell
  2. tomato
  3. rice
  4. add bean
  5. complete taco